Learning Impact

Having trained over 15,000 individuals as of 2020 in a range of negotiation, communication and personal effectiveness skills, Accordence is proud to partner with companies and their leadership teams to address the strategic initiatives that promote alignment between performance objectives and individual and team competencies. The impact starts in the classroom and extends well beyond when participants reflect, practice, self-assess, apply, receive feedback and perpetuate a continuous cycle of improvement while serving as a positive example for others.

We know there are dramatic differences between industries and companies that are impacted by market demands, regulatory bodies, technology, competition, geography, economics, politics, and more. Our partnerships with clients create a collaboration of subject matter experts to address the intersection of industry and role-specific challenges with the interpersonal dynamics of business relationships and negotiated agreements. 

Sampling of what our program participants have experienced:

"This is one of the top 2 training courses I've done in my 9 years at the company. It [negotiation] is directly applicable to my job and I've now got the tools to make this development area a future strength." - Regulatory Affairs Personnel, Biotechnology Industry

"As a Procurement professional, my position regularly involves negotiation so I have had other training as well. The ICON method really simplified all the different aspects that go into ensuring both parties walk away feeling like they got a fair size piece of the pie." - Procurement, Insurance Industry

"It described the important parts of the negotiation process and showed the importance of planning and preparation." - Finance Manager, Pharmaceutical Industry

"Great framework for negotiation. Focuses on the important human aspects of the negotiation which are critical for success." - Land Management, Construction Industry

"My team and I have benefitted from improved listening & questioning skills. We are all utilizing agendas as well as brainstorming as a group regularly." - Sales, Medical Device Manufacturing Industry


“One of the best courses we have taken and highlights and bring into perspective the things we haven't done, need to do and what we do well.” - Hill-Rom


“Very good delivery and coordination of the day’s workshop. Really good facilitator. Excellent - very engaging, made it compelling and enjoyable & kept a good pace.” - Gilead


“It teaches you not only how to recognize and identify co-workers with different “styles” and approaches, but also teaches you to understand the validity of their approach. The facilitator was excellent and kept things moving at a comfortable pace.  He was appropriately humorous and extremely good at moderating conversations.”

”It gives a good framework for preparing for and executing a negotiation. Also, the workshop allowed interaction between people with different perspectives from different divisions. That was very helpful.” - Parsons

The program gives you an opportunity to look beyond personal wants and needs. This workshop helps to discover different prospective and opens your eyes to similar objectives.” - Con-Way

Accordence’s program Encouraged our team to think about what we do on a daily basis differently.” - Eli Lilly

”Everyone could benefit from this course.  It raises confidence level when dealing with challenging conversations.” - Meredith Corporation